Tag Archive | Travel

The Weekly Photo Challenge: New


The World is full of new places, experiences and adventures waiting for us. One of my 2015 resolutions is not to just visit new countries but learn new things and meet new people.

May 2015 be a year of achievements, prosperity and happiness.

My entry to The Weekly Photo Challenge: New

Happy New Year


Wish you and your families joyful, prosperous and happiest new year ❤️ Enjoy ✨



“Patience is not passive waiting. Patience is active acceptance of the process required to attain your goals and dreams.” – Ray Davis

Taken at Six Senses Yao Noi, 2014

The Weekly Photo Challenge: Gone but not forgotten


My stay at Six Senses Yao Noi .. Can’t forget it, great memories.

Gone, But Not Forgotten



“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” – Mother Teresa

Wishing you all a blessed Friday.

Taken at Shangri La Bar AlJissah, Oman.
© My Expensive Hobby.

Saffron Restaurant – Bahrain


When you visit Bahrain, Zafaran Restaurant (Saffron) Muharraq Branch should be on your list. Offering traditional delicious food. The restaurant located in Souq AlQasiraya in Muharraq. It is built on a recently discovered traditional Bahraini date press (Madbasa) which has been preserved under the glass floor of the restaurant so don’t miss having a look down as you enter and check out the info board on the wall outside which explains what you’re seeing.


In winter the weather is really nice, so you can enjoy the outdoor seating Which’s showing above.

I will be posting more about things to do and see in my beloved Bahrain.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Convergence


Taken at Piccadilly Train Station, Manchester


© My Expensive Hobby

Be Happy


“They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.” – Tom Bodett

Happy Thanksgiving 💐

Taken at Lake Windermere, UK – 2014

© My Expensive Hobby, 2014

Happy Morning


“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love—then make that day count!” – Steve Maraboli

Taken at Avista Hideaway Resort, Phuket – Thailand

© My Expensive Hobby, 2014

Phuket – When, Where and What?


When to visit?

Thailand has three main seasons, but it can be slightly different from region to region and it changes year by year:

1. Rainy ( End of May – Oct): Monson season, high tide, short rainstorms and rain, however, in this season the weather is unpredictable due to this trips to nearby islands and scuba diving are not recommended.

2. Cool (Nov – Feb):  BEST TIME TO VISIT, weather is pleasant and it rains the least. However, since it’s the peak season expect higher prices.

3. Hot (March – Early May):  weather is hot, humid and temperature can exceed 40°C. Pre-monsoon season are good if you want to hit the beaches.

أفضل وقت لزيارة بوكيت

تايلند بشكل عام من الدول الي سياحتها مو مرتبطه بجو معين لكن جوها عموما يتقسم لثلاث فصول

١. الممطر: من نهاية شهر ٥ الى شهر ١٠ وهاذي موسم المونسون ، فيكون الجو متقلب وممطر فمن جذي الرحلات البحرية لاينصح بها في هالاشهر لان حالة البحر مو آمنه

٢. البارد: من شهر ١١ الى شهر ٢ وهاذي افضل الاوقات للزياره لان الجو حلو ومطر نادر بس الاسعار تكون مرتفعه لان الموسم

  ٣. الحار: من شهر ٣ الى بداية شهر ٥ وهاذي الفترة يكون الجو حار ولكن ينفع اذا الغرض من السفرة الاستمتاع بالشواطئ والبحر

How many days?

It depend on your plan, Personally I find 5 days to a week is more than enough for Phuket.

المدة المقترحة

 من 5 أيام الى أسبوع يعتمد على النشاطات الي حابين تسونها

Where to Stay?

Most people choose to stay at Patong Beach to be close to all the restaurants and take advantage of the free transportation that tour companies offer to the attractions. However, if you want to avoid the hustle and bustle of Patong, there are many other areas you can stay in, including Karon, Kata, Kamala.

Personally, I wanted to stay away from Patong but still take advantage of the free transportation, So I stayed at Avista Hideaway Resort which is near Tri Trang Beach but still considered within Patong area which gave us the advantage of free transportation to all attractions. The resort is amazing located on a hill overlooking the sea, it’s suitable for tranquility and relaxation seekers. I will post a full review soon.


 اغلب السياح يسكنون في منطقة باتونغ لان فيها مطاعم واغلبية مكاتب السياحة، خصوصا ان الاماكن السياحية توفرتوصيل مجاني للاماكن السياحية اذا كنتوا ساكنين في باتونغ. لكن المنطقه ما كنت حابتها بس بنفس الوقت ماكنت ابي اسكن في مناطق بعيدة لان كنت ابي استفيد من المواصلات المجانيه؛ فعقب بحث حصلت منتجع يديد توه فاتحينه مكانه جريب من باتونغ لكن بعيد عن لوية هالمنطقه وموقعه على هضبه ووايد حلو وهدوء انصحكم فيه بشده اسمه افيستا هايداوي .. بنزل عنه بوست خاص

How to get around?

If you are staying in Patong then almost all tour companies/attractions offer FREE hotel pick-up and drop-off, in addition, taxis are widely available as well. But personally, we only used taxis once as we were either using the hotel free shuttle or tour companies transportations.

If you are staying at other areas of Phuket you may have to pay extra charge around 200-300 Thai Bhat for the tour company transportation or you might get free transportation, depending on the attraction and the area you are staying in.


اغلبية التنقلات كانت بالمواصلات المجانيه تبع الاماكن السياحية وبما ان المنتجع الي كنا ساكنين فيه مو جريب من باتونغ كنا نستخدم الباص المجاني الي يوفره المنتجع حق مجمع جانعسيلون فما استعملنا التكاسي الا مره وحدة بس

Should I plan in advance?


I have noticed that many friends and family go to Thailand without prior planning and they end up wasting a lot of time and money on unpleasant tours or in searching for tours.

Personally, I saved a lot of time and efforts by planing ahead, especially if you are a group. We were a group of 5, so planning ahead was perfect as we avoided going through the different tour companies, in addition we had the time to check the prices and compare the attractions and activities ahead. So it was good decision because otherwise, we will have missed a lot of amazing attractions.

هل لازم تخطيط مسبق؟

اي لازم، لان لاحظت الاغلبية يعتمدون على مكاتب السياحة الي في باتونغ والي انا شخصيا مانصح فيها لان في وايد اماكن سياحية راقيه وحلوة ممكن تحجزونها مو دايما تكون متوافرة عند المكاتب. وثاني شي قدرت اوفر وايد لان كنت ادش مواقع كل شركات السياحه  وابحث في النت عن انطباعات المسافرين عنهم وهالشي فادني وقدرت اقارن بين الاسعار ونفس الوقت احصل اماكن سياحية غريبه وحلوه ونظيفة. فانصحكم تقرون قبل وتبحثون. وعلشان اسهل لكم بتحصلون تحت اهم الاماكن السياحية الي ماتتفوت

Things to do?

1. Siam Safari (Review is already posted).

2. Flying Hanuman (ZipLining – will post a review soon).

3. Big Buddha.

4. Wat Chalong Temples.

5. Cashew Factory (If you like cashew, it is a good place to shop and offer a verity of flavoured cashew)

6. All kind of water activities, canoeing, scuba diving and many more.

7. Phuket Fantasea or Siam Niramit Phuket.

8. Visiting nearby Islands, including James Bond, Koh Yao Noi, Phi Phi,  Krabi, Raya, Surin, Similan and many more depending on your preference.

Phuket has a lot to offer and it’s hard to list all the attractions, therefore, I tried to mentioned the main and the good ones. These all are family friendly activities.

My visit was during the monsoon season, so I didn’t go on a day trip to any islands for two reasons, one, I didn’t feel it was safe with the sea condition although I have seen some commercialized tour companies operating!! Secondly, I was already staying 2 nights in Koh Yao Noi Island at Six Senses (Review already posted), So I skipped the other islands’ day trips and opted for the in-land attractions and we still had lots of fun. I don’t feel like we missed a lot.

بوكيت فيها نشاطات وايد متنوعة وتعجب كل الاعمار وماقدر احصرها اهني خصوصا ان تعتمد على شنو يحب الشخص بس ذكرت فوق  الاماكن الي زرتها واستمتعت فيها وتناسب العائلات


* Thai people are very nice, friendly and helpful.

* Don’t bargain if you are not going to buy.

* Phuket is not a shopping friendly, so I do recommend you avoid shopping especially if you are going to Bangkok as prices are way cheaper.

ملاحظات عامة

١. الشعب التايلندي جدا حبوب ويحبون يساعدون

٢.لاتساومون الا اذا بتشترون

٣.بوكيت ماتصلح حق شوبينغ كلشي غالي ومافيها شي يسوى اصلن. بانكوك فيها مجمعات احلا بذكرها في بوستات قادمة


Enjoy Phuket

© My Expensive Hobby, 2014